"If I could I would keep this feeling in a plastic jar"
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Sunday, December 21, 2008
After a long 24 hour drive from Florida to Connecticut the only word that comes to mind, (which Im not surprised about) is COLD. I am freezing I havent had a New England full blown winter in about 1.5 to 2 years. So needless to say Im transforming back from my Floridian blood to my Ct Blood.
( I wrote this as soon as I got in last night, nothing more to say. I haven't seen any of my lovelies, soon soon, NO PICTURE FOR TODAY aghhhh the world will end hehe pce)
Friday, December 19, 2008
Bookcovers and Benadryl
Pretty much I heard about the whole twilight craze, and thought blach! why do I want to read a book that seems so "Youth Adult" haha whatever that means. But yeah saw the movie pretty much fell in love with the fact that Edward Cullen is completely and awesomely perfecto. So I got the book. Its supposed to be for the roadtrip up north. I couldnt help it I had to read a chapter. Overall easy read, really good, i understand the craze now. I think I'll read another chapter. :P
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
One day
So yeah on my quest to get healthy and change my eating habits, I have been consuming more yogurt because it is a healthier snack plus its a good source of calcium and probiotics. I have been trying to get flavors that I know I'll enjoy, and most of the time I can't get yogurt with fruit in it, because i am regrettably allergic to fruit. blah Anyway to my point, today I had boston creme pie yogurt haha because I mean lets face it the idea seemed genius to me :P, pie in the form of yogurt. But what I have found is that all yogurt tastes pretty much the same. None of it is drastically different. The cherry yogurt I had last night taste pretty much the same as my boston creme pie today. Any yogurt suggestions?? Just seems funny to me, I think im going to try and add granola or something to it. It'll probably just tastes like the same yogurt with granola then, blah. The funny thing is the pictures they put on the yogurt.
To more than one
You're Changing, becoming this person I don't really know (then again maybe I'm changing too). A person I didn't see, a person I can't recognize. Your words less sincere, the conversations more dull, the topics forced and unentertaining. I'm tired of talking to a computer-like friend, the conversation like a boring volley of empty nothingness. I don't doubt the dry spells will disappear, but the sadness of talking to a person who seems to think my words are as dull as dry toast is making me hesitant to strike up conversation. Its always different versions of "hi, how are you?" and a random mash up of refrigerator magnet phrases. I talk to you about the weather which clearly means, excuse the clichéd pun we are headed towards stormy conditions. When we talk its as if the words coming out of my mouth are lost and drift away. I miss the randomness in our dialogue, the depth, the quotable phrases, the excited tone in your voice, and the realness. I miss you.
Monday, December 15, 2008
So to catch those of you who have no idea up, I have never been in a relationship. I don't actual care that I haven't and its not that I don't want to, its that I haven't put myself out there or opened myself up to even make this a possibility. My own fault, maybe, but its how I am I guess, I don't know when it'll happen for me and I kind of have come to terms with this. Im ok with it because I know most relationships that occur before ur 20 are bogus, even though some of those evolve into actual healthy relationships. But yeah I dont exactly know where this blog is going all I know is that I have come to realize that Im sort of ready. I am not looking but I am also not resisting the idea. After countless years of my grandparents asking me when they get to meet my boyfriend, or when he was going to come to dinner, or my mom trying to pry answers about my imaginary boyfriend, or laughing at my dad's attempt to discover whether I was straight or gay. Hahaha. Just because I dont have a boyfriend doesn't mean I'm gay.
To be quite honest I was so sheltered in high school my true outgoing personality didn't emerge fully til my senior year in highschool which btw is too late and I was 12 paces behind everyone. But I guess I it doesn't matter we all travel at different speeds and experience different things in life. I think I was always worried about what people would think of my life, what people would say how they would react, enduring certain life battles, from my mom getting M.S, to my parents splitting up, to my countless moves. My Life may be different and unconventional but I think now that I seem to accept it for what it is, I'm ready to let other people in.
Friday, December 12, 2008
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Donde vas...
So i just wanted to write this because I have been lost in what some might call "la la land". I can't seem to get a grip or get myself out of this funk. Im not sure why it started or when I only know I am going to seem pretty separate from the world. So in advance, Im sorry, I'll probably be passive and not in the mood to talk, chill, or do anything for that matter my mind is jam packed with everything and I just wanted to let you all know. Don't be offended and don't think its about any of you. This is about me and a journey I have just begun.
I'll be back soon :)
Monday, December 8, 2008
Muffler<--as in the scarf, not the Car part
I've been absent for a few days, and that is the result of massive amounts of working and packing. You know what is amazingly annoying? Now that I am leaving this place I seem to be making new friends and meeting new people. I mean I guess its what happens but damn, I mean like honestly I cherish the new people I have met, yet I have to leave them in 2 weeks so it's kind of bittersweet.
ANYWAY! super excited to be back in 2 weeks, I know once I get there I'll have like 2 weeks where I am conflicted. but its to be expected. So if I tell you Im conflicted slap me and/or just say "2 weeks melisa, 2 weeks" hehe. But yeah I mean I'm a New Englander and need seasons, among other things.
Things I can't wait for:
- Thai Food that doesnt take an hour to get.
- Walking around downtown just because and not having to spend or feel like Im taking pointless walks.
- Taking the bus and getting somewhere with out the whole day being wasted. haha
- Sitting on my porch and just reading and watching...everything. (p.s. i sit there even in the winter when it snows)
- walk to the beach (even though it isnt the cleanest)
- Go to NYC to visit me loves and to just be random.
- Drive around and know where I am.
- Clubs that ban smoking inside.
- wear a scarf (even just the fashionable kind) and not be stared at like im a weirdo.
- BOOOOTS --> there is no need for them in the south, why do people wear them?
- Sleep in on a snow day. we have hurricane days, those are a lil more scary.
- More frequent friend outtings.
- Leaving the house hahaha <---sad
Can't think of more now, but I think I post some lists later. Lists seem to efficiently explain how someone is feeling without having them to think too much and or worrying about sentence structure. Anywhooooo time to hit the road jack and finish packin.
Pce my dudes and thanks for reading this abomination of a blog :)
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Do you ever sit and wonder
Hello My Friends,
An update on whats been going on.
I have been procrastinating to no end, I can't seem to focus on packing and getting it all in the boxes taped up and ready for the move. So, i've decided to just start throwing things in boxes, forget organizing. :) Im just going to throw, what's the point in organizing a box, im not going to live in the box, everything has to come out of the box anyway. Ill bubble wrap the necessaries and then throw everything else in, im so serious.
And now for my next topic:
Can someone please explain to me how people can call you their friend and yet treat you like a stranger, honestly when I make friends with people I actually consider them my friend, go figure. But yeah lately I just realized that some people who I am "friends" with are only friends with me when its convenient for them, when they need advice or sumthin. But thats ok, I guess thats the way the cookie crumbles, and I guess they don't realize they are doing it. I would just like to not invest in friendships with people who don't consider the friendship real or an actual friendship. This is not highschool, I dont want, nor do I need friends just for the count, I want real friends by my side the ones I know are going to subsequently add to my life, not drain me of the energy I have, or add nothing of value to my life. So one of my Resolutions has stemed from this little rant.
Resolution one: I will be focusing more time on myself than investing a lot of my being and energy on everyone else, get my self healthy mentally and physically first.
(This does not mean avoiding my friends, if you are my true friend you know this has nothing to do with you, but I just have been feeling like I am dishing out more than Im getting in return with some people)
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
(not everyone reads this blog, if they want to know they will have to meander to the blog, dont just tell everyone to come here it defeats the purpose)
SO :)
Monday, December 1, 2008
I can type ñ's, Now I can type Piña Colada :)
Anyway its December 1st and 30 days closer to a new year, which is kind of crazy how the time just passes by. I think this year Im actually ready to make resolutions and commit to them. Cause lets face it making a resolution to clean my room everyday when Im 16 and thinking that "it'll happen this year!" is dumb or committing to focusing on my homework and getting straight A's the last year of high school while your suffering senior-itis is near impossible. So now that Im older, ready and more mature and have at least chipped off a pocket-size piece of what real life is I think I'll make a real achievable resolution. What it is, I dont know but I'll figure it out. I have a month.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
I drew a butterfly today.
And now for a little bit of that, cause I have a lot going on in the noggin so i might as well just type the thought process.
WARNING this may be a bit ridiculous, not make sense and cause you to think of me as more crazy than before:
I honestly want to write a good blog about something meaningful doesnt seem like its going to happen now, or maybe it will whatver. I am watching this gears of war thing and its kind of dumb and makes me want to blagh, wtf is blagh i dunno, but im just realizing this is going to suck to read, like i wont be putting periods unless i think of periods like. and. haha oh wow. I Want to hug everyone, I've had crappy hugs for the past few months. No good ones, sry if your reading this and thought u gave me a good hug. it wasnt that it was bad, it just wasnt epic and i need an epic hug. but yeah dogs, dont know where that came from, actually i do but i prefer not to talk about it cause, well its is pointless and non of ur business, i want weimaraners and I know until i am like 40 and have the means to own one and have money to raise a dog, i wont have one, i was just going to type creature. my eyes are tearing up. Im not crying i just yawn like every two seconds. I dont want to grow up Im a toys r us kid, haaha i really dont right now, i know i am but its scary to grow up, to get older closer to the acceptable age where people think its ok for u to not be on your own. I am typing on AIM and typing here so there are breaks, you know whats annoying at work if i say im going on break it means a 15 not a fuggin hour break. to go on an hour break i have to say im going to lunch. what if my lunch is at 5 or 6 thats a dinner, not a fuggin lunch, haha silly silly orange place, i love orangess btw not the color so much anymore but def the fruit. not the juice though... weird. I dont like anyone at the moment, well not really, where the hell is that coming from oh wait yeah i know haha but yeah um i dont, usually im lying to myself, but i honestly can say no one, well maybe not completely but yeah. I think I am not interesting enough... blah so sad whateva...Whateva like that lil girl on the youtube vid haha. WTF am I talking about. I just fell alseep alittle, why am i still writing. haha ill stop I love you all goodnight. Wait that was dumb and boring, whatev a more well worded one will come and whatev this is my page haha.
Friday, November 28, 2008
No Parking...
Hello Ladies and Gents, Hopefully your Thanksgiving was Splendiforous, including mucho comida, family fun, and rest.
Now I'm sorry to do a complete theme change but I can not, not talk about todays black friday. I am a bit ashamed, how people can create the idea in their heads that materialistic items are worth, breaking down a door and trampling over someone without even noticing... Here's the story, in case you dont know what im talking about. Honestly, I like every person love a good buy, but there is nothing on this planet that would cause me to bulldoze my way through a store. If you did go out on black friday hopefully you were safe, and got the deals you wanted. I didn't want to be a drag, but honestly I couldn't help but write about this. It just seems so sad to me that materialistic items have become so important to people. They are items, they will one day break, become useless, when we die no one will remember us for the computer we bought or the shoes we once had. They are items, replaceable and are with you for the moment.
Anyway, Next blog will be upbeat and less morbid. :)
Ciao for now my dears.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
And now to be semi-stereotypical, What I am thankful for: (some serious, some ridiculous)
- Family and Friends- Honestly as cheese-tastic as this is I have to honestly give thanks to the people who help me through my insanity.
- Clean water, Fresh food, the ability to live more comfortable than most people on this planet- Too many times we take for granted the water that pours from our faucet, gas stations and the endless food in supermarkets.
- Breathing- Taking it back to basics here, simply to breathe is enough for me.
- Pencils and Pens- I mean honestly why wouldn't I be thankful for these so simple yet routed in everything we do, If we didn't have them where would we be today lol, no where.
- Makeup- Because really Im not shallow but its fun and covers le blemishes.
- Animals- They keep life interesting. without them we would be..nay I would be lost :P
- Color-Living in a monochrome would be like Pleasantville, not so pleasant, just plain.
- Airplanes, Boats, and Cars-without them travel would take incredibly long and trips to Italia, Brasil, Australia, and Greece would be... impossible.
- Languages- they make those getaways much mo bettah.
Anyway Happy Thanksgiving! Til next Time...
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Lost in Translation...
This Started out as a blog I would write en español pero ahora, it doesnt look like that will happen. Instead un poco de español y un blog en Spanglish. Enjoy!
"Cuenta que hace mucho, mucho tiempo, en el reino subterráneo, donde no existe la mentira ni el dolor, vivia una princesa que soñaba con el mundo de los humanos. Soñaba con el ciel azul, la brisa suave, y el brillante sol. Un día, la princesa escapó.Una vez en la exterior, la luz del sol la cegó y borró de su memoria cual quier indijio del pasado. La princesa olvidó quién era, de donde venia. Su cuerpo sufrió frío, enfermedad, y dolor. Y al correr de los años murió.Sin embargo, su padre, el rey, sabía que el alma de las princesas regresaria, quizás en otro cuerpo, en otro tiempo, en otra lugar. Y él la esperaría, hastas ultimo aliento , hasta que el mundo dejar a de girar..."
- El Laberinto del Fauno
Un poco de Pan's for ya... cause I think its probably one of the most beautifully written/sounding pieces de literatura en un pelicula.
Anyways mi amors, I am done here Adios y hablamos mas tarde... Well i'll write you'll read, almost like talking, but not. :)
And for all you non spanish speakers here it is in english:
A long time ago, in the underground realm, where there are no lies or pain, there lived a Princess who dreamed of the human world. She dreamed of blue skies, soft breeze, and sunshine. One day, eluding her keepers, the Princess escaped. Once outside, the brightness blinded her and erased every trace of the past from her memory. She forgot who she was and where she came from. Her body suffered cold, sickness, and pain. Eventually, she died. However, her father, the King, always knew that the Princess' soul would return, perhaps in another body, in another place, at another time. And he would wait for her, until he drew his last breath, until the world stopped turning...
Sounds better in Español :)
Monday, November 24, 2008
I can honestly and without hesitation say I am 100% tired. Pooped, drained, drowsy, run-down, burned out y cansada. Not just physically, actually I am more tired mentally than I am physically. I just haven't had much time to include enjoyment and relaxation into my daily routine. I have been working for a year and 2 months straight... I mean honestly even my summer was full of work, Pre-preparation for the program, the Program and then post-work, then back to work here. Right now a bed with a BIG TV in front of it, my favorite food, and no schedule or worrying about a schedule for at least a week sounds good to me. INCLUDE some sun, pool, and a good book and that would be enough for me to re-charge the batteries.
edit: Eu preciso dumas férias... (or however you say it, Changed it cause la pgymy estas mas inteligente que yo.)
Saturday, November 22, 2008
un mes
(couldn't get rid of the words sorry. At least its a tad educational)
It's been a Month since I started writing in this blog. It's been therapeutic for me and allows me to blab about nonsense to more than one of you at the same time.
The downside to this blog, everything seems blog worthy. I think about topics, and think they will be compelling... they are not. :P
Thanks for reading!
Friday, November 21, 2008
Swallowed in the Sea...
I meditated today. I'd say it was 70% successful, I was looking for a little bit of time to myself and to reconnect with that person I knew was floating around in there somewhere. I focused on breathing and not focusing if that makes any sense. It was actually pretty difficult, for the 10 minutes I meditated, there was about 2 min of actual real meditation, which is all I could really ask for since it takes practice and is pretty difficult to do. It was a quiet time, even though it might not have been by the book meditation, I was able to just sit and when I was thinking, it was about myself, and I dont think a lot of people get the chance to do that. To think about and reflect about yourself. I mean it seems like a selfish statement, but to be honest it has to happen. The Life you are living is your own, no one elses so to be able to actually focus on your own life, not the stuff you do that you think makes up who you are, but the being you are. It's rare and not a frequent practice. To just be in the moment.
And so my friends, as another big Family Holiday is just around the corner, I hope that you all can reflect on the year and the positive that has happened in your life. To be thankful for the experiences bad or good, that have happened to create a newer more knowledgeable person. To celebrate being where you are, being with people you love, and if nothing else just the simple fact that you are Alive.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
I don't have powdered sugar...
Friday, November 14, 2008
Grande Latte
Competition, why does everything have to be a race. The race to win something, what are we trying to win.
Race-a situation in which a group or individual compete to be first to achieve a particular object.
I mean we don't just race or compete for trophies, or money, or for sports. We race in everything we do daily. Parking spots, to get the last slice of pizza, get the gas pump thats open, the remote control, friends, and to sit in the front seat, "SHOTGUN!" lol. Why else would we have those little childhood games like the coin toss, and rock paper scissors.
Honestly, I am probably the last to write about this subject because I do this, I used to be the first to initiate a game of rock paper scissors just to get out of doing dishes or the first to google something to show my brother that an actor wasn't in this movie he said he was.
What I've noticed television, mainly VH1 and in life, is the competition for friendship. Wanting to be THE best friend, the one "that" person relies on for everything. I mean I have best friends and obviously I go to them and I tell them more thats going on in my life than I do some of my other friends. But to be honest, of my close friends I share the same love for all of them. Im not about to have a show like Paris Hilton and see which one is more worthy of all my time by having them write me songs or perform mediocre dances, not necessary. And for the record Paris Hilton is ridiculous for that...well not JUST that, :P. Friendship shouldn't be a competition or a race and neither should life.
Competition like coffee is good in spurts, tiny espresso shots even, but when you start overdoing it and the Starbucks guy knows your name and you dont have to ask for your total, its too much.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
A little too Whimsy
Palm trees. Every year since I was born my family took vacations, small or large they were destinations with palm trees. Whether it was a drive to my aunt's in Florida, or a trip to some sandy beach, clear blue water surrounded island, Palm trees.
First picture that comes up when I type "vacation" into a search engine.
Living in a place where there are no palm trees your whole life, then suddenly calling your vacation place, your home... bit weird. What's worse, the people here call their living a "permanent vacation", well its about time I go back to my reality. Say goodbye to the palms, distance makes the heart grow fonder. :)
Monday, November 10, 2008
Brainstorms - 1,171 miles
So I have to start packing. I think I didn't think about it cause honestly, I knew I was moving but it suddenly has become a reality. Before it was just words "yeah I'm Moving end of December". hehe I am though, its not a joke, a prediciton, a hypothesis. I have reached 100% and know I want to move back, but until about... 4 seconds ago I didnt think about it in a REAL way.
So now that I'm awake I'm going to have to get boxes, and prepare for the first real Adult decision I am making.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Friday, November 7, 2008
Message in a bottle. What would I write in something like that? Would I tell the ocean my deepest darkest secrets because I know somewhere in the back of my mind no one will ever find it, and if they did find it they wouldn't know who wrote it. I wouldnt put my address or my name, because wouldn't that completely defeat the purpose. What if I threw it in a small lake? The lake near my house, haha the man made lake with the fountain spouting from the center, oh how un-poetic and unsentimental. Would it be in letter form or list form? What Kind of bottle? Probably a wine bottle..maybe wine bottles are too big. No one sells those cute little bottles that are shown on TV & Movies, with a tiny cork. I saw one of those bottles once in Puerto Rico at a Gift shop, it had sand in it and "Puerto Rico" written on the side...
Ultimately you write a message in a bottle so someone someday will read it, why you do that is probably different for everyone...
Wait. I don't even live near the ocean. I'll go to Disney and throw it in there fake ocean and then one day a couple will be standing at the edge on their Fantastic disney Honeymoon and a Huge Wine bottle will float over to them and they will say "these people really need to clean up".:P
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Si se puede...
Congratulations to the youth of this country who turned out to vote. You have shown that your voice can be heard. And to those who did not Vote Obama, your voice too was heard, and no matter the outcome your vote mattered and the fact that 18-24 yr olds came out to vote in the masses, sends a message that we care too.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
President ELECT
This is a day that will go down in History... I hope and can't wait for great things to come.
Edit: Last night as I saw our New president speak, I was overwhelmed I mean it seems kind of crazy that we have a president who isn't white. Also the pure and simple fact, that many americans trust he will do a good job, which I can't say about our last president. I usually like to stear clear from the race discussion because i feel like if this nation is going to overcome racism we have to stop thinking there is a difference because of our skin tone, or the way we look. The fact is everyone on this planet was created a certain way to survive in the area where they are from. Im not sure if any of you have thought about this. But before there was mixed races to create other races, and interracial families. The inhabitants of their continents matched the conditions they had to face. Lighter skinned people in areas that were more prone to cold and less humid conditions, lighter -tanned skinned people with wider eyes where there are mountains, Dark skinned people where the sun is harsh and strong. This however has no affect on our minds or how we think, how we react to certain things. Slowly as the world grew smarter we realized that we could adapt to our surroundings. So as a Human race we were no longer kept from one another, we learned to travel and slowly races within races were created. The people that my family comes from is no where near completely one type of human, neither is yours, or anyone you know. Anyone who says they are completely one thing or "pure" ______, I challenged them to research their family and look up their ancestry, the chances are slim to none that they are "pure" anything.
My point is that, i Know this country and its "minorites" has been through struggles because of skin color, and the fact that Obama has now been elected shows somewhat that this nation is starting to realize even if only a bit that we are a human race, it should never be about our skin tone. This nation is built on immigration and that we are microcosm of this entire planet, we hold every race, ethnicity, culture and yet we still have trouble understanding that none of that matters as far as our equality. Whether you're black, white, tan, australian, european, turkish, arab, muslim, christian, jewish, we are all the same, we may believe different things but in the end there is no superior beings on this planet and just because you look one way has zero involvement with your intelligence or the capabilities of the people who look similar to you.
So when I hear that Obama is now President Elect I rejoice because maybe just maybe we can celebrate the fact that there are no boundaries for people who have been told they could never be President, but we can also rejoice because now we can open our eyes and realize, there was never a difference in the first place.
CNN -LIVE www.cnn.com
You should go...and Vote...
Today's the day Ladies and Gents,
Whether you think Voting is the most important thing or its a fixed thing, a hoax, feel like your vote doesn't count, You should vote. You live in this country and however you feel about it shouldn't matter today because today is the day you should exercise the right you have as a citizen of this nation. If nothing else this is the one day the real voices of the USA can possibly be heard. It is your chance to show who you think should run this country, who YOU think is capable. Frankly, I think both sides have potential and yes I have made up MY mind as to who I will vote for (if you know me then you know who it is). But im a registered independent. I didn't know exactly what that meant when i registered i just knew it didn't affiliate me with one party or the other... except maybe the independent party lol. But I have my own views and I will be voting for the person I think will change the nation, even if it is in the slightest way.
As far as the next topic goes, I want to write about the widely used DOT DOT DOT! lol
Yes Everyone seems to be using it as if it is going out of style. It's not really a problem but I feel like people are using it in place of a comma or a period to just put these three little dots in order to seem dramatic, it creates a pause a way for u to look at that sentence. True I am guilty of this too, but I have noticed it lately and I'm am hesitant to use it when I know it makes no sense. Here's a few examples maybe I can Convince you that periods and commas are cool too. Like:
I'm Going to the Store... ( implies that something epic, weird, or something is going to happen at the store.)
I'm Going to the Store.
Or using dot dot dot in place of a comma
I Hope my mom hurries up... its taking her forever (What's going to happen if she doesn't? Nothing, USE a comma LOL)
I Hope my mom hurries up, its taking her forever.
Anyway not a big deal just irritates me when people use it everywhere... I hate it... What exactly does it mean... Or when someone over does it............
HAHA Im done... or not...
Adios for now peoples of the world.
And remember... VOTE :P
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Vitameatavegamin-Spoon your way to health
Im Currently getting sick. Im too stressed and can't keep my brain from thinking about everything all at once. I'm excited for tomorrow got most of the costume but now im making the cape. I have to hand sew it by halloween and I think I should be fine.
So yeah, I'm having this convo with one of my friends about the dynamics of guys and girls, and I mean to be honest a lot of it makes sense. We dish out little clues and expect them to pick them up automatically and be the first ones to make a move, when honestly we may be the only ones noticing the clues. We then complain to our friends and tell them that "guys are clueless" hehe. Are they.. I think our clues are too subtle. True I don't think we will ever change. Which is what I told him. Then I realized through the conversation He and I were having that honestly we are all screwed. We are too subtle and worry about the smallest of details and they are very general and not about noticing the little signs THEY NEED BIG SIGNS LEADING THEM TO WHATS GOING ON. Thats ok though. But just a little advice for the ladies and gents.
Ladies: Stop using little clues and hints to make big things happen, If you do want to give him hints and little nudges in the right direction, know its going to take you forever to reach the place your wanting to go. Be a Tad bit more obvious, because even then it may not be enough. BE BOLD :)
Gents: I think you need to stop always looking at the Big picture... Try Looking at the small details in the picture. Its not just a picture of a park. There people running all the way in the back, the kite flying, kids playing on the see saw.. catch my drift? maybe not but the point is NOTICE the little things.
(p.s. I realize Desi and Lucy arent the poster couple for relationships, but they were amazing beings so yeah...)
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
It was a Graveyard Smash
Um dia..
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Lately I have been at the stage where I know I want to move...but I'm second guessing, trying to make sure Im making the right decision. Using any signs, Lupe's Sunshine started playing, oddly enough it's one of those signs. Im looking out my window listening to the song and it feels all wrong.. and I felt this same wrong feeling while listening to it in my car...like I am not supposed to be where I was. I know, I know, moving because of a song, but its just the way I felt was not right, and it wasnt just that once instance. No one should feel like they dont belong somewhere. We all have our habitats, the places we belong, this isnt mine.
True I have grown a lot while being here, there is no question. I have definitely become a more independent person, and I know a lot more about myself. Moving here...was not a mistake, it was necessary. Im ready to move on, to the next chapter...which i know is going to be completely difficult, but i'm ready because I know its also going to be a growing experience for me, school will not be exactly what I had dreamed about but I know life isnt supposed to be easy and one must work for their dreams, they dont just happen.
"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you've imagined. "
Henry David Thoreau
yup, good idea Mr. Thoreau, I knew there was a reason I payed a little bit of attention in sophmore year English :P ...
Monday, October 27, 2008
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Ti amo- 私は愛する。- Σας αγαπώ- Eu te amo-I love u :)
You Guys make life simply amazing....
Thank You... Sometimes I dont say it enough...
Thank You... Sometimes I dont say it enough...
an edit: not in any particular order this is all equal love ;)
Friday, October 24, 2008
Golpe- Bolo
I've not really been getting along with the father these past few days. He just keeps throwing punches (metaphorically speaking of course) and its kind of getting exhausting...
I'm honestly trying, I have no reason to lie here..
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