Hello Ladies and Gents, Hopefully your Thanksgiving was Splendiforous, including mucho comida, family fun, and rest.
Now I'm sorry to do a complete theme change but I can not, not talk about todays black friday. I am a bit ashamed, how people can create the idea in their heads that materialistic items are worth, breaking down a door and trampling over someone without even noticing... Here's the story, in case you dont know what im talking about. Honestly, I like every person love a good buy, but there is nothing on this planet that would cause me to bulldoze my way through a store. If you did go out on black friday hopefully you were safe, and got the deals you wanted. I didn't want to be a drag, but honestly I couldn't help but write about this. It just seems so sad to me that materialistic items have become so important to people. They are items, they will one day break, become useless, when we die no one will remember us for the computer we bought or the shoes we once had. They are items, replaceable and are with you for the moment.
Anyway, Next blog will be upbeat and less morbid. :)
Ciao for now my dears.
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