Friday, November 14, 2008

Grande Latte

Competition, why does everything have to be a race. The race to win something, what are we trying to win. 

Race-a situation in which a group or individual compete to be first to achieve a particular object.

I mean we don't just race or compete for trophies, or money, or for sports. We race in everything we do daily. Parking spots, to get the last slice of pizza, get the gas pump thats open, the remote control, friends, and to sit in the front seat, "SHOTGUN!" lol. Why else would we have those little childhood games like the coin toss, and rock paper scissors. 

Honestly, I am probably the last to write about this subject because I do this, I used to be the first to initiate a game of rock paper scissors just to get out of doing dishes or the first to google something to show my brother that an actor wasn't in this movie he said he was.
What I've noticed television, mainly VH1 and in life, is the competition for friendship. Wanting to be THE best friend, the one "that" person relies on for everything. I mean I have best friends and obviously I go to them and I tell them more thats going on in my life than I do some of my other friends. But to be honest, of my close friends I share the same love for all of them. Im not about to have a show like Paris Hilton and see which one is more worthy of all my time by having them write me songs or perform mediocre dances, not necessary. And for the record Paris Hilton is ridiculous for that...well not JUST that, :P. Friendship shouldn't be a competition or a race and neither should life. 

Competition like coffee is good in spurts, tiny espresso shots even, but when you start overdoing it and the Starbucks guy knows your name and you dont have to ask for your total, its too much.

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