I meditated today. I'd say it was 70% successful, I was looking for a little bit of time to myself and to reconnect with that person I knew was floating around in there somewhere. I focused on breathing and not focusing if that makes any sense. It was actually pretty difficult, for the 10 minutes I meditated, there was about 2 min of actual real meditation, which is all I could really ask for since it takes practice and is pretty difficult to do. It was a quiet time, even though it might not have been by the book meditation, I was able to just sit and when I was thinking, it was about myself, and I dont think a lot of people get the chance to do that. To think about and reflect about yourself. I mean it seems like a selfish statement, but to be honest it has to happen. The Life you are living is your own, no one elses so to be able to actually focus on your own life, not the stuff you do that you think makes up who you are, but the being you are. It's rare and not a frequent practice. To just be in the moment.
And so my friends, as another big Family Holiday is just around the corner, I hope that you all can reflect on the year and the positive that has happened in your life. To be thankful for the experiences bad or good, that have happened to create a newer more knowledgeable person. To celebrate being where you are, being with people you love, and if nothing else just the simple fact that you are Alive.
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